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Natural Laxative Recipe That Will Help You Lose 3 Kg in Just 1 Day

The prunes are an excellent natural laxative that can help you to eliminate the waste and toxins from your body.


They are a great source of fiber which is beneficial for improving your bowel movements, restoring your digestive health, and promoting a healthy weight loss.

Natural Laxative Recipe

Here is a home remedy that will help you to improve your digestive system, cleanse your body, and lose weight in a very short period of time.



In order to make this remedy, you should cut the prunes and dates into small pieces and put them into the boiled water. Afterward, simmer the mixture until it minimizes.


You should consume this mixture in the morning after waking up. You can either consume it on an empty stomach or combine it with cereal, yogurt, or whatever you like.

This mixture will help you to cleanse your intestines, treat constipation, and shed your excess pounds. Also, you can add several plums to a glass of water, leave them to stay overnight, and consume them the following morning.

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