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Here are the Absolute Worst Symptoms of a Kidney Failure

We are all aware that the kidneys are one of the most imporant organs in our bodies. They are absolutely essential because they filter the blood, maintain it stable, prevent the excess fluids from building up and regulate the blood pressure, balance the levels of the electrolytes, promote the production of the red blood cells and keep the bones healthy and strong.


Symptoms of a Kidney Failure

But, if the function of the kidney is compromised, it will have a negative impact on your overall health.

This is why it is important to know when the kidney is signalizing that something in the body is wrong. Here are some tips on how to recognize that the kidney is not working at optimal levels.

1. You will notice a skin rash – when the kidney is in failure, you will start stractching constantly or notice a skin rash on your body.

This means that the kidneys cannot remove the toxins from the blood, and the accumulation of the waste causes irritagion and dryness of the skin. If it is really connected to the kidney, the rash cannot be treated with any cream or ointment.

2. Pain in the upper back – you will most likely experience pain in the upper part of your back if your kidneys are going into failure.

This is usually a pain that is on only one side of the back, accompanied by fever or urinary changes. rememver, if you are suffering from a severe back pain, it may mean that you have kidney stones or a kidney infection.

3. Fatigue – when the kidney works on an optimal level, it provides enough red blood cells, which are filled with oxygen.

But if the function of the kidney is disrupted, then the red blood cells production will be decreased, leading to less oxygen in the body. When this happens, the muscles and the brain become fatigued very easily.

Your entire body lacks focus, and feels more cold and tired. There is a term describing what happens when the shortage of the red blood cells occurs in the body, and it is anemia.

4. Swelling, a lot – this is a common symptom of a kidney failure. Because the kidneys are not working as they should, they cannot remove the excess fluids from the body, leading to your face, hands, ankles, feet and legs to swell up.

5. Notice some changes in the urine – the urine will appear to be more foamy, or will contain blood, maybe you will urinate more but the urine will be pale, or urinate less but the urine will be dark colored, have dificulty urinating or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night – these are all changes in the urination which are symptoms of a disfunctional kidney.

6. Experience shortness of breath – as we previously said, if the kidneys do not work properly, your body will experience shortness of oxygen.

The lack of red blood cells that carry the oxygen in the body leads to a shortness of breath because the waste products and the fluids are accumulated in the lungs.

7. At the end, do you have a metallic taste in your mouth? any change of food preferences, loss of your appetite means that the kidneys are not working properly.