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How to Treat Sleep Problems and Insomnia Naturally?

Numerous people around the world suffer from sleep deprivation and insomnia. These common problems can severely affect every aspect of your life, including your health, mood, energy, and ability to function properly.


The lack of proper sleeping hours can be responsible for causing even more serious health problems, such as depression and high blood pressure.

How to Treat Sleep Problems

Millions of people who are dealing with sleeping difficulties or insomnia tend to solve their problem by using different medications.

However, the usage of drugs usually causes various negative consequences on your health. Instead, insomnia can be easily treated by making some simple changes in your lifestyle and daily habits.

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by unhealthy sleep patterns, certain biological factors, as well as some physical and psychological medical conditions.

Various researchers claim that this condition is caused by different mild or severe factors. However, in most cases, it occurs as a result of the brain’s confusion between the wake cycle and the sleep cycle. The most common factors that can contribute to insomnia are:

Symptoms of Insomnia

The most common symptoms of insomnia include:

Side Effects of Using Drugs for Treating Insomnia

Most commonly, the insomnia patients are prescribed to take sedative hypnotics, otherwise known as tranquilizers or sleeping pills, such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and other hypnotic drugs.

Usually, the benzodiazepines are used to treat anxiety. However, the usage of these medications often leads to lethargy, irritability, depression, and sleep disturbance. These drugs include Valium, Xanax, Librium, and Ativan. They act by depressing the central nervous system, which leads to sedation.

Sleep-inducing drugs, such as Ambien, Lunesta, Halcyon, Sonata, and Rozerem can easily increase drowsiness and rapidly promote sleep.

But, these sleeping pills can also be responsible for causing numerous adverse effects. Among the most common side effects that can be caused by the usage of these pills are:

Natural Remedy for Treating Insomnia

One of the most effective natural remedies for treating sleep disorders is the nutmeg. This spice can provide you with many health benefits.

The nutmeg is very helpful in promoting detoxification, relieving pain, improving the digestive system, increasing the blood circulation, enhancing the skin health, and strengthening the immune system.

Also, it has mild sedative properties that are highly beneficial for treating insomnia.

In order to use this spice for treating sleep problems, you should grind some dried nutmeg. Add ¼ teaspoon of the nutmeg to a glass of warm water.

You should consume this remedy 4 or 5 hours before going to bed. Nevertheless, keep in mind that this spice should be consumed only in small amounts because, when taken excessively, it can act as a toxin.