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How to Protect yourself from Skin Fungus?

Skin fungus is a common problem that affects people of all ages. Avoiding a fungal infection is practically impossible since the fungi live almost everywhere.


Skin Fungus

We have beneficial fungi that naturally live on our skin. However, when these fungi multiply in large numbers, they cause various skin issues, such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, yeast infections, and jock itch. Even though these conditions are not life-threatening, they can be very uncomfortable.

Reasons for Getting Fungal Infections

Various factors can contribute to getting a fungal infection, such as sharing personal hygiene items and clothes with a person who is already infected.

Certain people are at high risk of getting a fungal infection. Among the most common risk groups are:

  • People with compromised immune system
  • People who sweat excessively
  • People who have been using antibiotics or immunosuppressants for a long period of time
  • People who cannot restrain from urinating
  • People who work close together with infected individuals, such as doctors, nurses, and students

Prevention of Fungal Infections

The skin fungus commonly affects certain body parts, such as the toes and feet, the genital area, the armpits, and places where the skin creases.

The fungus thrives and reproduces in moist and warm environments, so you should maintain your skin clean and dry throughout the day.

You should make sure that you always dry out the skin under your breasts, wear cotton underwear, and keep your toes clean.

Fungal infections are caught by having a contact with an infected person, so you should be careful in certain public places, such as locker rooms and swimming pools.

These infections are highly transmissible, so, in case you already have one, you should avoid scratching the affected area in order to prevent it from spreading.

Your chances of getting a fungal infection are higher if you have a weak immune system. In order to strengthen your immunity, you should follow a proper diet which consists of lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as probiotic yogurt.

Also, you should reduce your intake of carbohydrates because the fungus feeds on sugar. Instead, you should get your energy from proteins and healthy fats. Make sure you are properly hydrated and well rested.

Although all the fungal infections are caused by a fungus, each of them has different symptoms depending on the area on which it appears.

For instance, athlete’s foot affects the toes, as well as the soles of the feet by causing red skin. On the other hand, jock itch is characterized by an occurrence of red scaly patches and soreness of the skin in the groin area.

Ringworm infection can affect different parts of the body except for the feet, groin, and scalp. It causes scaly red rashes and blister-like lesions.

Nevertheless, the fungal infections are not dangerous, and they can be easily treated. There are many over-the-counter antifungal creams and powders on the market that can help you to heal an infection.

However, it is advisable that you consult your doctor before using anything, especially if you have a weak immune system, or if you suffer from certain conditions, such as diabetes.