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What Happens When You Eat 6 Roasted Garlic Cloves a Day?

The consumption of garlic can provide you with numerous health benefits. This highly nutritious vegetable is noted for its ability to prevent and treat many diseases.


Due to its powerful medicinal properties, the garlic can help you to stimulate the blood circulation, regulate the blood pressure, control the cholesterol levels, treat coronary heart disease, and prevent a heart attack.

This vegetable is also effective in decreasing the production of angiotensin II hormone, reducing the LDL cholesterol, and relaxing the blood vessels.

The health professionals claim that a daily intake of 6 roasted garlic cloves can help you to improve your overall health in only 24 hours.

Health Benefits of Eating 6 Cloves of Roasted Garlic

The consumption of garlic can help you to enhance your body’s state in just one day. This vegetable is highly beneficial for preventing many illnesses and health problems, as well as for treating the existing ones. Here are the incredible effects of eating 6 cloves of roasted garlic a day:

1st hour – The garlic is digested in your stomach, and it provides your body with numerous essential nutrients.

2-4 hours – It begins to destroy cancer cells and to protect your body against free radical damage.

4-6 hours – Your metabolism starts to recognize the garlic’s beneficial properties. The garlic promotes an elimination of the excess fat, fluids, and toxins from your body.

6-7 hours – The antibacterial properties of the garlic begin to activate, and they destroy any bacteria found in your body.

6-10 hours – The nutrients provided by the garlic affect your body on a cellular level, and they protect your body against oxidation.

10-24 hours – Your body experiences a process of deep detoxification. During this period, the garlic performs the following processes:

  1. Promotes longevity of cells
  2. Eliminates fatigue
  3. Regulates the cholesterol levels
  4. Lowers the blood pressure levels
  5. Prevents an occurrence of cardiovascular problems
  6. Strengthens the immune system
  7. Improves athletic performance
  8. Enhances the strength of the bones
  9. Prevents an entrance of heavy metals in the body