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Should you Shave your Pubic Hair Before Giving Birth

The pregnancy is a big turn in the life of any woman. You have to maintain a proper hygiene. Even during the delivery there is a proper care so that no infections will ever get in contact with the infant.


No matter how you decide to deliver your baby, body parts will get infected. During the delivery in many hospitals, the pubic hairs are cleared.

The pubic hair is the part which grows around and on the sex organs, right near the pubic bone. It is not alwaysdense and thick – a lot of people have different types of pubic hair.

Should you Shave your Pubic Hair

However it may be, long or short, long or in a different color, it is an intimate question. Especially if you are expecting a child.

Some women get rid of their pubic hair because they are nervous, and other because they just grew a habit to do so. Through history, and in different parts of the world different opinions were formed.

Some praise the pubic hair, and some think fast how to get rid of it. But, in all hospitals, before a woman goes into labor, has her pubic hair shaved. Here is why:

Hygiene – according to the doctors, before you come to the hospital you have to have your lady parts cleaned. The area has to remain clean in order to avoid any infections being transferred to the baby.

This is why it is a necessity. If you cannot do it in your home, you can get that part done once youre admitted into the hospital.

No embarrassment – in order to avoid any awkwardness between you and your doctor, women shave their pubic hair before going to delivery. It is better to keep that area clean instead of panicing when your due date comes.

Better for the doctors – for a safe delivery, a small operation is done and in that case, the doctor has to cut a bit of the perineum. In these cases, if there is no hair, the doctor has a better view of the entire situation.

Safe during the cesarean delivery – during this kind of delivery the lower part of the body is cut so that the baby can come out. Well, many women have pubic hair in this area too. To give a clean working space for the doctor, the hair must go.

Maternal infections – to avoid any infections the pubic hair must be shaved. Any infection that the mother has in this way can be easily transferred to the infant.

Of course, we have to take a look at the other side as well. Here are some reasons as to why you should not shave your pubic hair.

No medical facts thoughout the history, babies were delivered at home so no infections were caused then. Some women believe that this is only the opinion of ome doctors.

Private event – women also claim that giving birth is a private moment. This is a natural process, doctors see it eveery day and women should not be discouraged if they dont want to shave off their pubic hair.

Discomfort – when you recover from your delivery, the growth of pubic hair is a painful process with a lot of itching. And having your pubic hair growing backwhile you are healing is a great discomfort.

Protection from the UTI – UTI is a urinary tract infection, andthis can easily happen after the pregnancy if the woman has deiced to shave her pubic hair. These infections can spread to something much bigger, and more dangerous.

Control the temperature of the body – believe it or not but the pubic hair maintain the body temperature. The pubic hair releases oils which when covering the surface of the skin, it cools down.

If you happen to be concerned about what step you should take, always ask a mid wife or a doctor and share your concerns with them.

If you are not comfortable talking to a doctor or need another opinion, talk to some relatives, close friends, pregnant women, anyone, just ask for help and you will get the right answer.