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The Leaves of this Plant will Make your Skin Radiant

Today we are going to share with you a cream which is found to be extremely effective in the process of eliminating dark spots, sun allergies, wrinkles and acne. It is a cream made out of lemon, apple cider vinegar and parsley leaves.


The parsley is found to be very helpful because of its richness in minerals and vitamins, especially manganese and potassium.

Make your Skin Radiant

This is why it can be of much help in the cases of urinary tract illnesses, fever, renal illnesses, fatigue, diabetes and eye inflammation.

It also contains regenerative and whitening properties, which is why it is often used in the cosmetics. It whitens and refreshes the skin, eliminates all the blackheads and acne, treats the redness and provides a healthy skin tone.

In order to prepare this healthy and natural lotion, you are going to need two tablespoons of chopped parsley leaves, a teaspoon of either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and 200 ml of water.

For the preparation, you will need to boil the water first. Then, add the chopped parsley leaves. Leave them to simmer inside the water for about 15 minutes.

Then, remove the liquid from the heat and set it aside to cool down. As soon as the liquid gets cool enough, add the teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (whichever is up to your liking), and pour it into a glass jar or container. Store it in your frigde.

And how do you use this remedy? Well, this is a lotion that needs to be applied on the skin twice within the day, once in the mornings and once in the evenings.

This way your pores will be closed, your skin will be cleansed, the acne, dark spots, freckles will disappear and you will get a clear and radiant skin tone! The results are astonishing and will be visible after a month of daily, regular use.