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Some Effective Natural Remedies to Fight Insomnia


Struggling to sleep can drive anybody mad. We all know the feeling of getting into bed, exhausted, and then suddenly your mind goes into overdrive. You think of everything that’s happened in the day, you overthink everything and anxiety kicks in.

Or you may fall asleep but then wake up an hour or two later. You don’t want to take any prescription drugs, they’re not healthy and they also make you feel like a zombie the next day.  You’re looking for an alternative option.

Natural Remedies to Fight Insomnia

  1. Aromatherapy
  2. Magnesium
  3. Calcium
  4. Hops
  5. Wild Lettuce
  6. Melatonin
  7. Valerian
  8. Green Tea
  9. Chamomile Tea


Aromatherapy is the use of various oils from plant extracts. Each oil is used for different purposes. Lavender oil is a brilliant sleep aid. It is inexpensive and can be easily bought over the counter. Plus it smells really good too.

Magnesium and Calcium

Should be taken together when using as a sleep aid. Check with your health care practitioner, or pharmacist, but 200 milligrams of magnesium with 600 milligrams of calcium can be taken each night. Check these amounts though, it differs for different people.


Hops are the female flower used in beer making. If you’re a beer drinker, you will know exactly what hops is. The extract of hops is used as a calming mechanism or a sleep aid. You’ll find it at a health store.

Wild Lettuce

You can get this in capsule form or you can eat the actual lettuce. It helps with joint pain and with headaches and is also excellent for anxiety, depression and calming restlessness.


There are various teas that will help you relax and gently fall asleep. You can buy the tea readymade and packaged for you, so you only have to fill the kettle and boil the water. Try chamomile, spearmint, lemongrass or Hawthorn berry tea. They will all calm you down, and the process of making the tea and sipping it in bed is helpful too.


It’s a plant well known for its sedative qualities. It bears clusters of tiny pink and white flowers and an extract from the root acts as a sleep aid.  It helps you fall asleep quicker and it helps you to stay sleeping for a longer time.

There Are A Few Other Tips That May Well Help With Your Insomnia

Remember too simple things like not drinking coffee after a certain time. Caffeine is a stimulant and it is best to have your last cup of coffee before or just after lunch. Alcohol is also terribly bad for sleep and although you may fall asleep easily after a drink or two, you will definitely wake up in the middle of the night.

Plus you may wake up with a headache.

Eat well too. Heavy greasy food can give you nightmares. Fresh food, fruit and veg, is conducive to good sleep and pleasant dreams.

So get out your yoga mat.  Have a good supply of tea. Grow that wild lettuce. And remember, leave your mobile phone in the study.
