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She could Not Stand Up but this Remedy Miraculously Healed her

Today we will show you an excellent case of how the natural medicine can sometimes give more outcome to a person than the common medicine.


This elderly lady suffered from pain in her joints, especially her knees and ankles, and all the doctors did was prescribe her some anti inflammatory medicine so that the pain would go away, but all of that was only temporary.

The diagnosis was obvious from a mile. It was arthritis. But, the woman decided not to give up and tried everything that might help her, even a little bit.

Fortunately, she was able to find a remedy that not only eliminated her symptoms of this illness, but also remove all of its effects. The woman claims that this remedy was everything she needed in order to feel good again.

What you need in order to prepare this remedy is one medium sized eggplant and one liter of water. For the preparation, you need to wash your eggplant, cut it in hoops, and then put it in a pot where the water is boiling.

Then, leave it like that until the water has finally cooled down. Take 750 ml of this liquid and store it away, and the rest 250 ml you will use for external application.

And now, for the application, you need the same ingredients as the ones we mentioned, only this time you will include 50 ml of olive oil too. Take the 250 ml of the liquid and mix it up well with the olive oil. Then, store that mixture in your fridge.

If you want to use it externally, apply the remedy on the areas that are affected at night, right before you go to bed, rub the liquid good on the affected areas and cover it with a cloth in order to keep it warm during the night.

And for internal use, you need to consume 250 ml of the liquid, three times a day. Once in the morning, on an empty stomach, once at lunchtime and once in the evening.

After three weeks of using this treatment you will feel the difference – full recovery! You will be able to move your legs and knees without any problems. There will be no more inflammation or pain whatsoever.