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Could Acupuncture Be The Right Alternative Healing Method For You?

Acupuncture is a technique used by health practitioners all around the world, involving the use of needles.  Acupuncture originated in China and has today become one of the more acceptable and popular alternate health and healing methods.


Acupuncture is a technique where needles are inserted into the skin, to stimulate a certain area, or to heal a certain area.  The acupuncturist needs to be fully trained and well skilled in the practice.  It is not a sore practice, although small levels of discomfort may be felt.

Numerous studies have been done on Acupuncture, by scientists, to see if it really works.  It has definitely been proven to help ease types of pain that are often chronic.

What doe Acupuncture help with?

Some people will ask if Acupuncture is dangerous.  No, as long as the Acupuncture is done properly and by a qualified Acupuncturist.   If it is not done properly, there are risks of course, depending on where the Acupuncture is being administered.

Always make sure you go to a highly recommended and qualified practitioner.

If a patient does not go to a qualified Acupuncturist, or finds themselves in a dodgy consultation room, there may be a risk of dirty or unsterilised needles. This can lead to infection.  Always ensure that your needles are brand new and out the packets.

Why choose Acupuncture?

This depends on the individual.  Some people have tried every kind of pain medication or medical treatment available.  Some people may be at their wits end.  Others believe in alternate therapies.  Chinese medicine has been around and evolved over thousands of years.  Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use a combination of natural herbs and mind and body practices to heal.  These practices can include Tai Chi and also Acupuncture.

In many countries, people are choosing Chinese Medicine as a complementary practice.  They will still go to their Western doctors and have regular treatments, but they may well use Acupuncture too.

Acupuncture needs to be researched.  Pregnant women can have the procedure as can young children and babies too.  You always need to check with your practitioner and make sure he or she is aware of your symptoms and any background information that could help them.  During pregnancy Acupuncture can be used to help back or pelvic pain.

There are even those who say Acupuncture has helped them to fall pregnant.

What does Acupuncture do?

Acupuncture can help people with insomnia and general sleep issues.  It is good for mental health and depression, and general all round wellness.  It is an ancient practice and an ancient philosophy that describes the universe, and the body, in YIN and YANG.  Yin and Yang are the opposing life forces in a body.  When they are in balance, the body is in balance.  The energy is called QI (pronounced Chee) and Acupuncture helps the natural flow of energy through the body, in a  balanced way.

It is an alternate therapy in the Western World, but not in the Ancient World.  This is what to expect when you go for Acupuncture:
