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7 Amazing Health Benefits of Green Tea You Might Never Heard Before


For all the years I heard people talk about foods and drinks that can help in weight loss, there is one that was never absence from the discussion, green tea. Even some of my friends who love sugary foods and drink will opt for green tea as a drink to accompany their meals.

Green tea is so amazing that it attracted many researchers to study this leaves. According to Beth Reardon, RD, a Boston Nutritionist, green tea is very powerful because of its catechin content. Is is the type of antioxidant that can fight and prevent cell damage.

The processing of green tea doesn’t involve fermentation and therefore, the tea able to retain maximum amount of antioxidant and polyphenol.

7 Health Benefit of Green Tea You Might Never Heard

1.Lowering Cholesterol

Not only reducing bad cholesterol, green tea also improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that involved 1100 participant, it was found that consuming green tea can lower the total serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. To reduce the level of cholesterol, it is recommended to drink five cups of green tea a day.

2.Fight Allergies

Green tea is rich in catechin which has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Green tea also contain an anti-allergenic compound, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Some studies have also shown that green tea has the ability to prevent the spread of many disease.

3.Improve Eyesight

When we talk about foodd that can promote good eyesight, the first thing that come to mind must be carrot. This vegetable has long been associated with the eyes. However, study has shown that carrot is not alone in this field. According to a study published in the journal Experimental Eye Researched, green tea has the ability to prevent cataract and minimize the risk of blindness. According to the discovery, consuming green tea can protect eyesight.

4.Help with Depression

Tea leaves contain theanine which is an amino acid that can provide relaxing and soothing effect which can help in overcoming depression

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5.Encourage Healthy Gums and Teeth

Catechin, the antioxidant chemical in green tea has the ability to destroy bacteria and viruses which cause throat infections and other dental condition. According to a study published in the Journal of Periodontology, consuming green tea can reduce the symptoms of periodontal disease. Possibly, this is due to the presence of catechin that are effective to reduce inflammation in the body.

6.Good for Skincare

Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea can prevent wrinkles and the signs of aging. It can protect you from the harmful exposure of sunlight, make your skin more resisted to the effect of UV rays. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, low dose (540 mg) of green tea every day combine with 50 mg of vitamin C for 12 weeks can reduce  the effect of UV radiation on the skin. So from this day onward, when you go to the beach, other than applying sunscreen and using sunglasses, bring a packet of green tea with you.

7.Prevent Oral Cancer

Other than prevent pancreatic cancer, green tea also has the ability to protect you from oral cancer. It contains EGCG that can help kill cancer cells by destroying the cell’s mitochondria. Green tea might even be an alternative to chemotherapy. According to recent study published in the Journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, consuming green tea will not provide the same side effect as chemotherapy.

As you can see, green tea provides many essential healthy benefit to your body. Regarding the amount of green tea you should consume for medicinal purpose, you can drink two to five cups of green tea a day. Just keep in mind that green tea also contain caffeine. So if you’re sensitive to caffeine, you better limit the amount of green tea you consume in a day.
