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10 Tree Barks Their Health Benefits You Never Knew About!

Almost all fruits and vegetables are packed with so many health benefits. But many times trees and their barks are also edible and store many benefits that you never knew about.


An apple a day is said to keep the doctor away. But the apple tree’s bark also has miraculous health benefits. Here are 10 trees that hold magical health benefits in their barks and most likely you never knew about them.

1. Willow

Willow bark is effective in healing lower back pain. Studies show that higher doses show more effectiveness. You can notice improvements within a week.

There are also research studies involving willow bark’s benefits for osteoarthritis patients. Some studies indicate pain-reducing benefits in patients with this condition.

2. Alder

Alder bark has astringent properties and you can use it for washing wounds for its healing benefits. Drinking bark tea can help heal fever and tonsillitis. Applying on the spot can also help improve hemorrhoids.

3. Apple

Apple tree’s bark has been used for hundreds of years for curing fever. The bark is claimed to be a febrifuge and tonic by researchers. Its decoction has been used for a long time for treating bilious, remittent and intermittent fevers. Its syrup or decoction is also used successfully for treating some types of gravel, a type of kidney condition.

4. Ash

The bark and twigs of ash have been used for making tea for curing gout, jaundice and rheumatism.

According to modern pharmacological research, ash has been found to:

5. Beech

Beech has powerful antioxidant properties.

The bark is a storehouse of lignans and many other types of antioxidants. Using beech bark can help make your immune system stronger.

These antioxidants fight free radicals which are known to cause cell mutation and chronic diseases such as cancer.

Dry beech bark and treat it, and you can use it regularly as your source of rich antioxidants.

6. Birch

The bark of birch can be used to prepare baths for treating many skin conditions like eczema, skin rashes, and psoriasis. Its sap can also be used because of its betulinic acid. This powerful compound is effective in inhibiting cancer and tumors. It has also shown proprieties that help heal mouth sores, kidney disorders, gout and bladder disorders.

7. Elder

Elder bark tea is good for giving you relief from headaches and congestion. It can also help reduce low fevers.

8. Cedar

Prepare tea from its bark to reduce rheumatism symptoms, chest colds, flu and fevers.

9. Maple

Maple bark’s taste may not be pleasant, but it has astringent properties. You can use it for treating nausea. There are many health benefits of using the tea or its decoction.

It can help cure cold, cough and bronchitis. The bark is also effective in curing dysentery.

Traditionally, it has been used along with amelanchier for healing a woman’s body after child birth. In fact, maple bark has also been praised for helping promoting lactation in nursing moms.

10. Elm

Elm bark has powerful healing properties. In fact, the poultices and salve made from it has been used in the past for treating gunshot wounds. It can also be applied on the abdomen to reduce fever.

It is rich in calcium. It helps speed up the healing process of fractures in the bones.

Other health benefits of using elm bark include:

Make sure to have these barks in your home and prepare a tea whenever you have fever, cold, or any other health disorder.
