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10 Natural Ways to Bring Out Your Inner Beauty


Being beautiful is something everyone aspires to. Even those who say they don’t care about beauty and talk about being ‘okay and satisfied with who they are’ may secretly wish to be beautiful.

It is understandable. Beauty is all around us. Models on magazine covers are always beautiful and unblemished.  Everyone uses Photoshop or some kind of Beauty App on their phone. Wrinkles get ironed out, teeth get whitened and hair can be made straight or curly.

None of that beauty is very real. In reality, noses or cheekbones may not be perfect and eyes may be a little squint. Face tone can be ruddy and body shapes are not always tall and skinny. We know this to be true, but the beauty you see in the media can leave you feeling inadequate.

Don’t lose focus on what beauty really is. If I’m meeting a friend for lunch, or have a business meeting, I try and walk.  Granted, it can be tricky Your Inner Beauty is a lot more important than your outer beauty.

Here are a few ways to add to your natural beauty, without using a single moisturiser, fake phone Beauty App or ever having plastic surgery.

Here are ten natural ways to bring out your Inner Beauty:

Think about it.  A smile is the most gorgeous natural thing to do.  It can say so much.  You’re nice, you’re funny, you have a sense of humour.

Everyone likes a smile, even if your teeth are crooked and not pearly white.

Put a twinkle in your eye.  Keep it for special occasions if you prefer, but let those eyes glisten.

Watch your posture and keep your shoulders back.  Whether you’re walking or sitting at a desk, sit up straight.  Let there be no more slumping.

Dressing well does not mean you have to follow fashion or be elegant.  It means you should just look well groomed and show that you have made a little bit of an effort.  Leave the sweat pants for the gym or for nights in front of the television.

Confidence is an extraordinary thing.  Sometimes, we have to learn to be confident.  But, give off an air of loving yourself, and loving life, and people around you will want to love you too.  At the same time, give off strong, positive energy.  It’s a beautiful thing.

Being interested and being interesting are the most important things.  Have something good to say, whether it be about the weather, food, politics, animals or fashion.  Read, be aware of what’s going on around you and make yourself interesting.  Interesting is beautiful, more so than a pair of implants.

Be interested in the people around you. Listen well.  Look people in the eye when they are talking and try not to interrupt.  Listen carefully and quietly, without giving advice or judgement.

Kindness is one of those qualities that go with the word beautiful.  Nobody likes that person who is rude to the waiter or to the homeless man.  As well as showing interest in people, be kind to people.  Be generous.  Look after people, and that does not mean financially.  Look after them sweetly and emotionally.  They will want to look after you too.

Finally:  Do whatever you can to help yourself.  That means:

Inner beauty quotes:

‘Our hearts are drunk with a beauty our eyes could never see.’  George W. Russell.

‘Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.’  Kahlil Gibran.

‘The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.  It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.’  Audrey Hepburn.
